The Ball Marine design team's metal of choice is generally titanium- and for good reason. It plays nice with carbon fibre, is low density, has a high strength-to-weight ratio and importantly is resistant to corrosion in sea water. In addition - it happens to present as a beautiful finish on high end products such as our boat hooks and winch handles.
Titanium is a metal recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratio. It is a strong metal with low density that is incredibly strong and metallic-white in color.
Here are some of the reasons we love to work with titanium in our products:
High strength to weight ratio
Commercially pure grades of titanium have a strength of about 434 MPa (63,000 psi), equal to that of common steel alloys, but are less dense. For instance, titanium is 60% denser than aluminum, but more than twice as strong as the most commonly used 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. Titanium as an element has almost double the strength of many stainless steels.
Resistance to corrosion
High corrosion resistance even in seawater, allows for use and endurance in harsh environments. For products such as winch handles and boat hooks that spend a lot of their life exposed to salt water - this is a big plus.
Metals such iron, steel and aluminum can be toxic to humans. My contrast, titanium is bio-compatible. It is completely non-toxic to both humans and animals.
Low thermal expansion
Titanium, compared to most other manufacturing materials, will not expand or contract to anywhere near the same levels under extreme temperatures. In fact, it expands around 50% less than steel. This helps ensure a sound fit for our winch handles within your winch of choice.